Thursday, November 13, 2008

Decorating, Anyone?

My first workshift for Holiday Magic was 'decorating'. Sounded like fun when I signed up for it, however, when I came upon this mess, I was rethinking my idea of fun.


I would like to say that I put all this stuff on and made it look like this, but I did not.

I DID put together 2 little white pre-lit wire trees that were so sad looking I did not even take a picture of them. AND I put together cake mixes in boxes. Whoo-hoo. It is amazing how slow 4 hours can drag by...

1 comment:

maryeh34 said...

Yeah, I'll take your "slow 4 hours" and raise you 2 unbelievably dull hours of holding a door open for merchants and tell ticket holders that even though I just saw them come out this very door and walk into the bathroom they could NOT return through this door and they must go to the main entrance. I'll tell you, people are NOT nice when they feel inconveniences. I. WAS. JUST. DOING. MY. JOB. I did it incredibly well too, if I do say so myself.