Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Few Hours

I never realized how important alone time was until I had children. When i was single, I had more alone time than I knew what to do with. I felt like I needed more interaction time. Not now. I must say I do like adult conversation, especially after a whole day with only interacting with the kiddos, but there is something to be said about alone time. It is said that extroverts gather up their energy when they are alone. Kind of like recharging your batteries. That must describe me, because I really enjoy having a few hours to myself every once in a while. Even if it just walking about a store aimlessly, coming home to clean while the kids are at school or having lunch at my kitchen table without anyone screaming, "I DON'T LIKE GREEN BEANS!" It is just nice to not hear anything and have minimal sensory stimulus.

Today I was granted this luxury. After I dropped the kids off, I came home briefly and then headed over to my mom's house. I hung around there for an hour or so and then came back home. I unloaded all the fun decorations that she so graciously gave me. After that I made fudge. I did not listen to any music, I did not talk on the phone, I just made fudge. How refreshing that was for me to just do one thing and not have to multi-task 12 other things! I felt such a sense of accomplishment when I finished the 5th batch of fudge! (mint chocolate, vanilla pecan, holiday vanilla, peanutty peanut butter and chocolate pecan peanut butter) I am no Martha Stewart, but I can make some serious fudge! I probably would have made even more, but I ran out of butter. (Of all things!)

1 comment:

R said...

i may need your pb fudge recipe. i've been looking for a good one!