Thursday, December 18, 2008

The HIDA Scan

I have been experiencing excruciating pain on and off since right after Thanksgiving. I have been to the ER twice and now have a 'somewhat' diagnosis. The physician at the ER and the ER physician that lives in our neighborhood suggested that I get a HIDA scan.

In a nutshell, the HIDA scan is a nuclear medicine test that checks the function and condition of the gallbladder. It can help determine if a person has a form of gallbladder disease or if the gallbladder is functioning properly. I was a little nervous about it until one of my friends (thank you Melissa!) that happens to be a nurse AND had the scan done herself, said it was no big deal. Also, the fact that you get to lie down and maybe even sleep for an hour and half sold me that it couldn't be SO bad. Let me tell you, she was right. I enjoyed the quiet humming of the machines, had a great technician and I did sneak in a little snooze for about 30 minutes.

The only downfall was how I felt tonight. I do not know if it was the nuclear stuff that they put in my veins or the pain is just getting worse. I was suffering for over 2 hours tonight after I ate some mixed vegetables. Yes, plain ole corn, green beans, carrots and peas. They were steamed and I forced them down without any butter, salt or any sort of seasoning. I started hurting about 20 minutes later. The first pain pill got laughed at by the horrendous pain I was in and then about 30 minutes after I took the 2nd pill. I had a small reprieve. I am ready to hear back about my results and schedule to have this organ of my body removed.

Seriously, this is a perfect set-up for anorexia:

1) Eat = pain

2) No food=no pain

3) Hunger pain is not near as intense as the gall bladder pain.
I would rather listen to my stomach growl than writhe in pain for what feels like a small eternity.

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